Mon 27 Jan
NeW *¨¨**¨¨* ÂmÂzInG *¨¨* *¨¨* DrEaM *ღ* GiRl *¨¨* *¨¨* 100 HRSpEcIaL - 23
(North Bergen,Jersey City, Secaucus)
"New" Exotic Dominican ★ Mix ★1000% Real Photo Avail Now 9174036224 outcalls - 20
(North Jersey, 9174036224 outcalls only)
$$$$ Sexy Girl >>>> Beautiful Chinese Julie ####### 303-325-7597 Outcall Only ####### ` - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Outcall Only)
need a brake!!!! come get a special 1 $$$$ - 21
(North Jersey, Elizabeth, Linden, 1&9, Incalls only)
MUtUaL FUN!> > ONly $100 BUcks for NUDE body to BODY FUN ! Blonde BEaUtY** - 32
(Phx North, i.17 freeway/thunderbird PRIVATE INCALL)
MONDAY SPECIAL! LETS PLAY! ♥ Mature, Sexy, Submissive & Curvy! ♥ All For Your PLEASURE - 43
(Central/South Phoenix, 16th St and Glendale Ave, 0ff Hwy 51)
Mouth Watering Sensation ,Remarkable Reviews, And Incredible Curves ! - 42
(Phx North, 35th ave and Northern //Valley wide O/C)
---NEW FACE .. !! .. VISITING !!... SEXY & SWEET - 24
" NEW " # 1 Relaxation ( Sexy Latina & American ) NURU & BodyRubs // Very Discreet // $ 60 Dollars - 24
(North Jersey, Teaneck,Leonia,Fort Lee,Ridgefields)
♥ N*a*U*g*H*t*Y 5"11 ReDhEaD! --♥-:((ULTiMATE GiRLFRIEND )):: MiLF CoMe PlAy! ♥•♥•♥ AVAILABLE NOW!! - 37
(North Jersey, Clifton rt. 3 Incall)
🌺🍓🍓 Sexxii mixed hottie, looks like caramel and sweet as brown sugar to make everything nice!!! - 30
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver and surrounding areas - outcall)
►4"HAND _ ▬🔲🔴🔲 Grand Opening Asian massage ★* SOOTHING RELAXING *★*—859-489-7211 — ▬🔲 - 24
NEW BLOND & BRUNETTE JUST STARTED ❤Sweet Italian, Venezuelan❤ Columbian & White Girls❤ - 22
(Elizabeth, North Jersey, Paterson, S.Hackensak,Rigefield,Littlferry,FortLee)
~*~ ___ NEW___ MyyA ThE VeRy BuT NiCe gIrL NeXtDooR CoME PLaY WiTh Me ______ ~*~ - - 23
Morning rush hour 50 special for the morning outcall/Incall - 25
(West Valley, Glendale and west Phoenix)
Miss JESSICA Is Here! Soul Sister Has A BIG PHAT ROUND Donkey Booty! Come Smack This AZZ! - 30
Seductress Nickie New Pic!! Impeccable Reputation (TOB) til 10pm daily xx - 32
(CapHill/Uptown Incall Only)
💋 💖💖💋 MOUTH-WATERING -- HOT ASIAN OUT CALL 201-208 -7721 — ALL CREDIT CARDS ◤◢◤◢◤◢ 💖 ◤◢ - 20
(Central Jersey)
💎WHY GAMBL€ 🍑 WH€N I'M A SUR€ WIN 💎»——»🍒 The PERFECT Treat ★ Hotel Friendly 📞 AVAILABLE ANYTIME - 19
(Louisville, Yours Or Mine)
LoVe2 PArTY(¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) NaUgHtY BuxXxoM GoDdeS (¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯)UpScale Incall - 21
(i17 & CamelBack(O/C) All Over)
ROSIE ♥ HOT and SPICY ♥ Perfect Curves on a BEAUTIFUL Girl ((New PICS)) - 20
(Boulder, Denver, Ft Collins, Denver, Fort Collins and Boulder)
✭☆✭ N_______A _______U _______G _______H _______T _______Y ✭☆✭ N E W ✭☆✭ GiRL ✭☆✭ real picture s - 21
(Northern Virginia, iNCALLS ONLY → SpRiNgFiELD)
♠️ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) L•O•O•K •••►NeW 【δωεε† ₰ δε∂υ©†¡√ε】 READY NOW --60/--- YoUr exotic mixed SweeT TrEa - 21
(North Jersey, Newark Airport / Elizabeth)
RedHead Beauty.. .. .. ((incall special)) Everything you could possibly want is right here!! - 27
(DTC Incall only)
S o u t h A m e r i c a n B a r b i e t o p l a y w i t h........... - 28
(Denver, Denver Outcall ONLY)
💜💋💖💋💜♥ █ L€T Me 💋 FiNiSH WHÂT 💋 Y0UR €Y€S 💋 STÂRT€D █ 💜💋💖💋💜 - 21
(North Jersey, Secaucus INCALL INCALL)
live entertainment special delights call 9739371530 - 25
(North Jersey, Teaneck/incall/outcall/ Paterson)
Looks Like Kim Kardashian ===>> PLEASES Like Jenna Jameson - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, Close to Tempe Marketplace)
(¯`'• ..★MaKiNg*•-: ★yOUr ★*•-: ★FaNTaSy ★*•-: ★ ReALiTy �JaW- DR0PpiNg *. •°BrAZilian GoDDeSS ❥ - 21
(North Jersey, INCALL 1&9 TONELLE NorthBergen)
*Look No More Im Here...Come See a Thick Stallion...Right Now Ready 70/100HH* - 21
(North Jersey, Newark Airport &Surrounding; Areas..rt9)
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E_ - 21
(Louisville, Outcall and Incall area near louisville)
Let this thick sexy Haitan woman handle & relax u💋💦📞 now! - 32
(North Jersey, Bloomfield&Montclair; NJ area)
// LEAVING SOON SPECIAL!! // For a 100% REAL // INDEPENDENT // Sensual .. Discreet .. Experience - 34
(SCAUCUS // Route 3 // INcalls)
Sunny Sunday Incall Specials HH and FULL HR Specials Be4 5pm You Dont Wanna Miss Out - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
💥💣Lillyslippservice 💣💥no rush☎ 480 269 2521 - 31
(East Valley, Phoenix, Private Mesa Incall Val vista/brdwy)
Prebooking Sat. Sun. & Monday.. Very Classy!! South Denver incall/Denver metro outcall - 35
(South Denver)
LAST NITE _____________________ AUSTRALIAN BEAUTY with that BOOTY _________________ LAST DAY - 22
(North Jersey, north Bergen/ Union City INCALL)
•••••••• ► •••• ► •••••••• ► •••• ► PRESS HERE TO PLAY ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• - 39
(Denver, thornton westminstet arvada denver broom)
«--(¯"¯)--» PlAy - TiMe «-----» WitH _ A _REaL _ SEXXY _TreAT _ «--(¯"¯)--» - 21
(Denver, Aurora/upscale in-outcall)
(( 🎀)))💕🌹 Petite PRETTY Treat 💕🌹 100% Real Party Girl 💕🌹 Call Me Baby 💕🌹 ((( 🎀 ))) 🌸 - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, DTC Auroa Cherry Creek)
✭ {{ LET }} ___ *ME* ___ {{ BE }} YoUR ✭ ------>> SEXY SECRET ----> CALL NOW !! - 22
(East Valley, incalls off i10 in Tempe)
———— :¦:•L• O • O • K• :¦:————— *HoTT §ExY * ————— IN TOWN * ———— :¦:•L• O • O • K• :¦:————— - 25
(North Jersey, WAYNE / FAIRFIELD / RT 46 & 23 INNCALL)
la sexy latina domincana meliza 24 /7 working incall price 160 80 60 and outcall 201 780 8264 - 24
(Newark, newark nj incall and outcall, North Jersey)
♥★♥HoT, sExY mIxEd pEtItE bOMbShElL BArbiE ♥reAdY tO gEt sPanKeD! Ive bEen A bAd GiRl★ - 21
(East Valley, Mesa Arizona, in-calls only)
💋💋FL!RT@TiOuS EXoT!C 👯 LA REINA💦👠💋Unbeliveable SPECiALZz👑Queen Of Da R!nG, New Pix 👯 - 19
(North Jersey, Elizabeth,Newark, incalls)