Tue 07 Jan
⭐Click Here Now⭐ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ💢Bubble Booty 💢SUPER KINky ⭐ SEXY ⭐BLONDE⭐ Out/Incalls⭐ 💋 AvAiLAblE*NoW - 22
(St. Louis, Downtown Incall)
Tired of basic/fake? 💯 real 🇬🇷 🇮🇹 5⭐️ Provider cutie with a booty - 19
(North county incall/ Hotel Outcalls, St. Louis)
The Whole Package, Curvaceous With Huge All Natural 38DD's :.) Brand New Pictures! - 25
(St. Louis, Incall downtown! Outcalls available!)
*~This* ~ *Christmas *~* Dare* ~to~* Unwrapp this*Exotic Fasination * ¡X-EBONY - 20
(St. Louis, 44&Hampton;)
New girl🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥Best Service 🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥Asian Girl 🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥Incall Only🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥⬛🔥Call Now - 21
(st. charles, St. Louis)
💋Looking for a mature lady to have some hot sexy adult fun with. Well let's play! 💋 - 29
(St. Louis, St. Charles/ St. Louis)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( i GET iT JUiCY 4 YOU ) * SuPeR NAUGHTY SeX KiTTeN! - 18
(Airport incall)
(¯`•❤❤•´¯) G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S •❤❤• L_I_T T L E •❤❤• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•❤❤•´¯) LAST CHANCE !!!! - 19
(St Louis - Downtown, Downtown Very Upscale)
!!CC!! !! !!ATTENTION!! !! #NeW# (314)484-4491 Is NoW (314)532-1506 EaRLiEr TiMeS! ! NeW LoCaTiOn ! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-20min from anywhere you)
!!CC!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! I promise You Won't Be Disappointed!! - 29
(20-25min from anywhere U are in STL)
M_A_d_E_ _ F_O_R_ _Y_O_ U_ °o★o°HABLO SPANOL ** LATINA*vanessa - 22
(Southern Maryland, COLLEGE PARK MD)
50'' Inchzzz of Juicy Azz!!!♣Ms.Money is BACK!♣♣St.PAttYs DaY Outtie Speclz!!♣ - 21
(Southern Maryland, incall BWI/outcall DMV AREA)
OUT CALL————— • Massag• —————— • HoT • —————— • Asian • ————— • SeXy • —————— • GIRLS • ———————————— - 23
(Southern Maryland, OUT CALL ONLY)
🔥🔥🔥 Hot Island Girl Waiting To Take You To Paradise 🌴 🌺 Hawaiian and Filipina 💋💋💋 - 23
(Gaithersburg & Anywhere Out To You, Southern Maryland)
Sexy middle eastern to relax your whole body ❤️❤️ - 25
(Silver spring, Bethesda,, Southern Maryland)
last day !!💘Sweet 🔥🔥TREaT💘 ➜➜ ⅩⅩⅩ Gorgeous ✔ Fun ✔ Young ✔ sexy ✔ SPECIALS - 20
(Southern Maryland, rockville/ southern maryland)
•LATINA ..♥ . I'm ° •♥•° What °•♥•° You °•♥•° Need °•♥• - - 26
(Southern Maryland, Gaithersburg-Rockville)
Incalls( 24/7) & car sessions( 9pm to 5am) - 36
(College park laurel lanham silver spring, Southern Maryland)
~°•SeXy SwEeT PeTiTe & DiScReEt mIxEd BeAuTy OuTCaLlS aVaIlAbLe AlL NiGhT•°~ CaLl NoW•°~ - 23
(Kent, OuTcAlLs EvErYwHeRe)
HOT !!! SEXY !!! WET !!! Limited time ONLY.... SPECIAL SPECIAL straight from the Tip of my Tongue. - 23
(madison east)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, city)
My bf doesn't do well in the bedroom so I have to get it somewhere else.... - 38
(I will cum to you)
OnE BaDD SiStA (( DoEs MoNrOeViLLe )) !! (( 80 SpEcIaL )) - 19
Its time for some fun!!! Dont miss my amazing head game!! Monroeville - 24
(Monroeville, Pittsburgh)
_ __ __ ITS __ __ __ YOUR __ __ __ NIGHT __ __ __ 2 __ __ __ RELAX __ __ __ - - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding)
B* E* A* U* T* I* F* U* L *** ((SpEciALs)) iM ReAdy ALL NiGhT ((( LiMiTeD TiMe CaLL NoW ))) - 21
(Pittsburgh, MoNrOeViLLe)
ThE BeSt Is BaCk!!!!! ReAdY 2 B10W YoUr MiNd!!! Im BeTtEr ThAn HeR ^^^^& HeR ¡¡¡¡¡ !!!!!!!!!!!!! - 23
**** INCALL OR OUTCALL!!! **** Kelly is back!!! **** Available all night!!! **** (910) 274~7353 **** - 19
(Wilmington, MY PLACE OR YOURS!!!)
((SuPer SeXy SweEt )) ❤* SeDuCtiVe * ❤(( *AmAziNg BoDy* )) ❤(( #1 ChOiCe )) ❤(( HiGhLy ReVieWeD )) - - 25
Hello Wichita Please Allow Me To introduce myself Im Kayle*e** Stunning Blonde*** - 21
(Wichita Houses An Hotels)
Sexual enhancement right now! - 23
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Right here, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Im an ADDiCTi0N 💋🎉 SWEETfreaK &always; Ready . 💑 i can do what she REFUSES . (alwaysONtime)😘😻 - 21
(Everywhere, Wausau)
Poetic~New in Town~Sexy ready for some excitement~ great special call now in and out calls - 24
(Wausau, downtown wausau n near truck stop)
☆❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓ ▓▓▆SκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ βυττεr☆▃▆▓ ▓▆▃ - ☆❀°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆ 100HR - 69
(Tuscaloosa, TODAY ONLY! 100HR FLAT RATE LEAVIN @ 12P)
•★• Stop Playin With Cheap Toy Cars *☆* COME PLAY WITH THIS FERRARI BABY •★• - 24
(Oklahoma City, northwest incall......)
💏💯% REAL! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, ⏳Curvy, 💎 BeAuTiFuL, 🔙 Perfect 🔛 Spankable 🔝 ASSets💋4058221772 - 24
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
🌟 ✔ Independent 】 🌟 【✔ Latina 】 🌟 【✔Exotic 】 🌟 【✔ Sexy 】🌟 【✔ Quality Service} - 25
(OKC NW, Oklahoma City)